Further Writings
"Shakespeare in an Age of Incongruity," published in The Hopkins Review (edited by David Yezzil)
“From the Archives of the Misbegotten,” Malachi's contribution to The Vilnius Review’s “Reflections on Belonging” series (edited by Marius Barokas)
"To Confirm a Thing and Give Thanks: On May Swenson," written for Tavern Books' "Honest Pint" series (edited by Matthew Dickman)
"On 'A Memo to the Self-Possessed,'" from the Poetry Society of America's "In Their Own Words" series (edited by Brett Fletcher Lauer)
"Skeltonic Prosody in Basil Bunting's Briggflatts," published in Textual Practice (edited by Peter Boxhall)
"Pivot and Parataxis in Joshua Beckman's 'A rake in the garden. The garden,'" published by VoltagePoetry (edited by Kim Addonizio and Michael Theune)
"On Repetition," Malachi's contribution to NPM Daily 2013, (edited by Sarah Blake)
Check out four of Malachi's poems and a "Statement of Poetics" as part of his feature as PoetryNet's Poet of the Month (edited by Terri Witek)
"'Strained Relation': Strict Stress-Meter and the Sound of Sense in the Poetry of Robert Frost," published in ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews (edited by Raymond-Jean Fountain and Daniel Ross).